Thriving in the Extreme

Thriving In The Extreme, 2018
A collaboration with Patrick Furness
Life at the Edges, Science gallery Dublin

Deinococcus Radiodurans Pompeii Worm Endolith Yeti Crab Tardigrade Thriving In The Extreme

Thriving in the Extreme is an academic conference which brings together a group of extremophiles to discuss the extreme physiological characteristics and environments they inhabit.  The extremophiles presenting include a wary, xenophobic Yeti crab, and a millennial Pompeii worm, from a cluster of hydrothermal vents in the depths of the Pacific Ocean; a very tired, ancient Endolith who resides inside a layer of limestone in the Dry Valley of Antartica; the Deinococcus Radiodurans, a voraciously academic radiation resistant bacteria, and the chair of the conference, a NASA enthusiast Tardigrade. The conference has been organised for the benefit of the human species who are researching methods for surviving on Earth in the face of climate change in Age of the Anthropocene.



Deinococcus Radiodurans - Göze Saner

Pompeii Worm - Teddy May de Kock

Endolith - Tzvet Lazar

Yeti Crab - Joshua Dolphin

Tardigrade - Charles Robert Harrison